Welcome once more to our Xmas sale. It's the
same format as in previous years again. Basically, that's 15% off all of
our models. Although there are a few exceptions*, this isn't
a '15% off selected items' or 'Up to 15% off' sale, it's a real '15%
off everything' sale. The sale will run for a month from today, ending
on Sunday December 17th.

So once again that's 15% off all of our models*
- Aeronef, starships, Celtos, Small Scale Scenery, Land Ironclads, 15mm
and 6mm tanks and figures, 10mm buildings, Squadron Commander, WWI
Belgians, Magpies ... and the newly added Hammer's Slammers 15mm models
are in there too.
And that's it - no minimum or maximum orders,
just a blanket discount which runs until Midnight GMT on December 17th
(remember the time difference if you're overseas). And we'll give you
plenty of warning before it ends. So what are you waiting for ? Go out
there and shop !
The website will still show the full price of each item, but the price that goes into the PayPal shopping cart will be the discounted one.In addition, because of the way that browsers keep hold of old versions of websites if you've previously visited them, you might want to refresh your browser (usually F5 or shift-F5 on Windows machines) to ensure that the new version of the shopping code is loaded with the discount in. If we get an order from which the discount has not been deducted then we will make a manual PayPal refund for the equivalent amount.
* - There are a few exceptions and conditions, as you might expect ... shipping will still be charged at the full rate, since we were unable to persuade the post office to match our offers. The discount covers our metal and resin models - it doesn't apply to rulebooks, dice, bases, Shapeways or anything else that we don't manufacture ourselves, simply because the margins on those items are much tighter. However, starter packs with rules, dice or bases in are covered. Even with these limitations, we're sure you'll agree it's a mighty fine offer !
Brigade Models
I put this up knowing their 6mm stuff would work well with OGRE !